Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pets In The Workplace

I've smuggled my sugar glider, Beau, into the office four or five times over the last few weeks. If you don't know this about gliders, they power-sleep during the day and don't want anything more than a cozy, dark pocket to snuggle up in. Most of the time, nobody would suspect a thing.

It sounds silly, but just having him in my pocket made me happier.

I can see where allowing pets into the workplace could get out of hand. Allergies, odors, altercations, property damage, etc. But, I can't imagine how having a tiny sugar glider asleep in my pocket could be a problem for anyone? At the very least, there should be a "bring your pet to work day" on the national calendar.

So far, even though some of my co-workers have seen Beau, nobody has taken a hard line with me about his attendance. I'm trying to limit his visits to prevent being told that he isn't allowed in the building anymore.

Is there anybody out there who is allowed to take his/her dog, cat, or glider into work with them?

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